I decided to keep a diary in which I document my journey to 10,000 active Instagram followers in the creative niche!
Sign up to get access to:
- My real-time diary in which I track my progress month to month
- My Instagram strategy
- Analysis of what worked and didn’t work each month
You find the link to my real-time diary in each month’s newsletter (usually at the end of each month).
The post that contains my diary/progress will only be available to those who sign up for my newsletter. The link to this post cannot be found through Google or any social media. This ensures that:
- The people that have signed up can post their own statistics and discuss strategies
- Not required
- There are no outsiders to view all of our statistics
- We can be vulnerable and honest because it’s a closed community
- The post will appear on my website like any other article (for those who signed up). There’s no need to create an account!
In this newsletter I give a personal update on my artist life, I’ll tell you where you can get current art supply deals, what’s going on in the art community, and much more. It’s a personal art letter from one artist to another!
I hope to see you in your mailbox :)
P.S. I send my art letters at the end of each month. So if you sign up at the beginning of the month you’ll have to wait 30 days before you get the link to my diary. If you like to receive the link early you can mail me at heylaura@oleanderstudios.com and I’ll send it to you! :)