You are currently viewing 40 things to include in a Meet The Artist post (tips, ideas, templates and more)

40 things to include in a Meet The Artist post (tips, ideas, templates and more)

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  • Post last modified:April 11 2023
  • Post category:Articles

Haven’t posted a Meet The Artist post to your social media yet? Well, if you were waiting for a sign, this is it!

Typically a Meet The Artist Post includes an illustration of yourself, your name, likes and dislikes, age, where you’re from and much more. The goal is to let your followers get to know you in a single post.

Keep reading to find out why such posts are important and how you nail your very own Meet The Artist!

What is a Meet the Artist post?

Meet The Artist is an online post on social media that artists use to let their followers get to know them better. It’s very popular among 2D illustration artists. Meet The Artist posts often flare up at times but they can be posted whenever you want.

The best times to post a Meet The Artist are:

  • When you are a brand new account
  • When you suddenly gain a new batch of followers
  • When you never properly introduced yourself

Benefits of doing a Meet The Artist post

As you know, a Meet The Artist post is an excellent way for your followers to get to know you. Research has shown that people want to learn more about the person behind the brand. The brand, in this case, is your art.

When your followers feel more connected to the face behind the art, it positively affects business revenue. Business revenue can be seen as:

  • An increase in your art sales
  • An increase in engagement
    • Amount of followers
    • Interaction with posts

Being open about who you are encourages your followers to tell a little about themselves. This is great for engagement. Plus, it’s very fun to see which people are attracted to your art!

Can you post a meet the artist more than once?

You can post a Meet The Artist more than once. As a matter of fact, you should! We are constantly evolving. Whether it’s only slightly or considerably.

Your interests change, your taste changes, you improve and your life experiences grow. It makes sense that your last Meet The Artist should get updated.

But I recommend posting a Meet The Artist no more than once a year.

What to include in a Meet The Artist Post

A Meet The Artist post always includes a drawing or painting of yourself, plus written information about you. Remember those old friend books when you were younger? It’s just like that!

Here’s a list of what a Meet The Artist Post should include:

  1. Your name
    • Either your real name or your name handle
  2. Your age
  3. Where you’re from
  4. Your likes (general)
  5. Your dislikes (general)
  6. Your hobbies
  7. Your height
  8. Your job
  9. Your favorite subject
  10. The language you speak
  1. Your ethnicity
  2. Your sign
  3. Your favorite drink
  4. Your favorite color
  5. Your favorite artist on social media
  6. Your favorite music
  7. Your catchphrase
    • What you say a lot
  8. Your motto
    • What you live by
  9. Your favorite meal
  10. Your favorite activity
  1. Relationship status
  2. Gender
  3. Sexuality
  4. Favorite animal
  5. Your drawing/painting equipment
  6. Favorite subject to draw/paint
  7. What you are scared of
  8. Your favorite book
  9. Your favorite old master artist
  10. Subject you struggle to draw/paint
  1. Your goal for this year
  2. Your birthday
  3. The color of your hair
  4. The color of your eyes
  5. Your favorite outfit
    • Can also be depicted in your illustration
  6. Your favorite breakfast
  7. Your go-to art supply
  8. Your favorite place to draw/paint
  9. Your best social media art friends
  10. Your nickname

Numbers 1-5 are generally what most people include in their posts. For the other numbers, you can either categorise them under your likes or dislikes or make a new category.

Popular categories for Meet The Artist posts include:

  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Favorites
  • Scares
  • Goals

Don’t forget about the caption

In the caption, you can elaborate on some of the things you wrote in your post. For example, why is X your favorite? Or how come your nationality is X but you live in X?

instagram strategy for artists

The most important thing in your caption is to ask your followers to write a little about themselves. Who are they? Are they artists themselves? Get to know one another!

Reply genuinely to the replies you get. Encourage conversation. When someone writes about themselves don’t just say: ”So nice to meet you!” But ask questions and get to know them.

But most importantly: only do it when you’re genuinely interested. Nothing is worse than seeing someone force themselves to continue the conversation for the engagement only.

Meet The Artist Template

Below you’ll find two different kinds of Meet The Artist Templates. The first two are Instagram’s square format (1080 x 1080px) , and the other two are Instagram’s portrait format (1080 x 1350px).

You can save the templates and upload them into your painting program and use it as a reference layer. Read here how to properly set up your Procreate canvas.

The first template features an illustration of the artists on the left side. Note how the illustration is in front of the columns?

meet the artist template

If there’s any leftover space you can simply fill it in with small illustrations of the things you’ve written.

Tip: Hand-write your information instead of typing. This gives a fun, personal effect!

The second template uses a round ”column”. The likes and dislikes are replaced with symbols rather than text. Also. never forget to add your handle. People often recognise your handle more often than your name!

meet the artist template

Below you’ll find the portrait templates. These are great for illustrations that are tall.

meet the artist template

You can mix and match the templates. Be creative!

meet the artist template

Theme it

Does a certain theme compliment your art style? For example: what if you draw a lot of game art. Your Meet The Artist post could look like a character creation screen featuring your stats.

Your stats could be your information!

Maybe you draw a lot of flower-inspired art. Your Meet The Artist post could take place in a greenhouse. Or your information can be written on seed packets! You name it :)

Which hashtags should be used in a Meet The Artist post?

To let new followers discover you you need a way to let them find you. You do this by using fitting hashtags. The following hashtags you can use in this kind of post:

  • #MeetTheArtist
  • #MeetTheArtist*Current year*
    • E.g. #MeetTheArtist2022
  • #Artistintroduction
  • #ArtistsOnInstagram
  • #ArtTrend

Browse these hashtags to see who’s doing these posts. Interact with these posts so you might gain a new friend or two!

Poses to use in a Meet The Artist post

So, how are you going to illustrate yourself? The number one rule is to keep close to your art style. Use your go-to color palette, your linework and don’t create something you normally wouldn’t do.

If you usually don’t do full body poses it’s totally okay to only illustrate from the waist up. Or just feature a portrait!

But in case you need some help, here are some poses:

drawing pose reference

To keep things interesting, try to let your illustration of yourself do something. Try to convey movement. Mid-walk poses are great! Let them stare at something. Maybe do something interesting with their hands!

drawing pose reference

Whatever you do, make sure it fits your style.

Meet The Artist inspiration

Here are some Meet The Artist posts you might find interesting. They are very inspirational! Might as well give them a follow if you like them :)

Click on the images to be taken to the artist.

I hope you found this article useful. If you’d like for us to be art friends, don’t hesitate to tag me (@Oleandered ) or send me a message. Subscribe to my newsletter if you’d like to receive new articles in your mailbox!

See you next week,

♡ Laura

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